Is Car Oil Toxic? Toxic Sides Of Car Oil Vs. Eco-friendly Fuels

We praise petrol and diesel whenever they are compared to gaseous alternatives. Not only do they power the car, keep the engine parts well-lubricated, and cause less internal damage, but also emit lower harmful chemicals than their counterpart. That said, the same car oil has a darker side which makes us ask this prominent question.

Is car oil toxic? Regular car oil can have up to 90% hydrocarbon and a variety of additives that make it toxic. Additives cause combustible hydrocarbon to burn more and generate black smoke that results in affecting humans, plants, animals, fishes, trees, and soil. 

The good news is that there are eco-friendly fuel alternatives that have impressed us with their benefits. So, not all kinds of car oils are toxic. 

What Makes Car Oil Toxic?

Most types of car oil contain around 75-90% of hydrocarbon distillates while the rest are additives. The common ones include petroleum and diesel. Among these two, diesel has lower hydrocarbon content with around 75% than the other which has 90%. 

Since the organic compound isn’t very thick, it’s mixed with anti-knocking agents like lead, copper, and cerium. These metals add more viscosity to the oil and keep engine pistons from clanking while moving. Without them, the parts will create constant loud friction and end up causing damage. 

What’s the issue with car engine oil? 

Now, hydrocarbon is super combustible whereas agents promote the combustion. This makes the agents responsible for generating more carbon dioxide in form of black smoke. And as the smoke is released from car exhausts into the environment, traces of different harmful chemicals disperse alongside. Some of them include- 

  • Carbon Monoxide (CO)
  • Nitrogen Oxides (NO)
  • Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
  • Formaldehyde
  • Benzene (Aromatic Hydrocarbons)
  • Soot

All of these contribute to air pollution.

Few Consequences Of Car Oil Toxicity

1. Affecting Human Health 

Different chemicals are released from car exhausts. Car engine oil reduces air quality and causes several conditions in human health. 

Carbon monoxide easily binds with the hemoglobin and produces carboxyhemoglobin (COHb). This leads to CO poisoning for which we suffer from suffocation. It can also lead to death. 

Exposure to a greater amount of Benzene or Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Sulphur Dioxide leads to lung diseases. Those 2 along with Formaldehyde and Nitrogen Oxide also contribute to conditions like coughing, shortness of breath, nausea, and different neurologic problems

When it comes to soot pollution, it can be pretty severe. Studies have found that breathing soot heavily for a longer period can cause strokes, heart attacks, asthma, acute bronchitis, and premature death. 

2. Adverse Impacts On Water, Fish, Soil, And Plants

When Sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide are released into the air from the car exhausts, it can cause acid rain. The impacts of acid rain are multiple. It pollutes everything in nature including freshwater, marine creatures, plants, soil, and trees. 

  • When water becomes acidic, it lowers the pH level and ends up killing a variety of marine creatures. 
  • Acid rain also affects the growth of crop fields and forests. It removes nutrients and minerals from the soil and reduces its fertility. 
  • Trees and plants that are exposed to acid rain lose their nutrients and become more vulnerable to extreme temperatures and insects.

3. Affecting Animals

Aromatic hydrocarbons and soot can cause cancer in animals. Breathing air or drinking water that’s contaminated can impair the respiratory system. If animals inhale those chemicals heavily and the toxins get deposited in the lungs for a longer period, it can damage different organs as well. 

Eco-Friendly Car Oils

  1. Biodiesel

Biodiesel is made with renewable sources of oil. It can be produced from substances like rapeseed, soy, waste cooking oil, vegetable oil, tallow, and animal oil or fats. Not only it’s biodegradable but also non-toxic. 

So, we consider it an efficient alternative to common types of motor oil for reducing air pollution

Although biodiesel combusts and generates hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide, the emission is much lower. 

As per the research by Environmental Protection Agency, biodiesel releases 11% less CO and 10% less harmful chemicals than diesel. 

  1. Bioethanol

Bioethanol is made from fermentable sugar and starch that comes from first-generation biomass i.e. crops. It can be corn, wheat, sugarcane, or anything with a higher concentration of sugar. 

Studies claim that using bioethanol can be a beneficial way to reduce environmental pollution. How? 

Because it’s a clean-burning fuel. When the fuel combusts, it usually emits Carbon Dioxide and water. So, there will be no harmful chemicals like black smoke or soot.

Moreover, many results of engine tests showed a noticeable improvement in the performance of car parts and their health

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Aren’t Eco-Friendly Car Oils Common Yet?

Engine incompatibility and the cost of raw materials are two primary reasons why biofuels aren’t prevalent yet: 

  • Engine Incompatibility

Most car oil engines that run on diesel can use biodiesel only if it’s for a couple of hours and under mild weather conditions. A lot of engine manufacturers have limited the use of such biofuels since they can affect the lifespan of the engine.  

If the engine isn’t compatible, biofuel can cause damage to the physical properties of different car parts. 

In such a case, we must check our OEM engine warranty and make sure that the manufacturer has approved the use of higher blends of biofuels

  • Cost Issues

The price of feedstock or raw materials used in biodiesel and bioethanol is expensive. Hence, it has increased the cost of biofuels. As per the latest report, biodiesel is between 70 and 130% pricier than fossil diesel depending on the materials used. 

Is Engine Oil Toxic To Touch?

Engine oil may burn your skin and irritate it if you have skin sensitivity. In case the contact is frequent and prolonged, it can result in dermatitis, skin diseases, and cancer too. So, we suggest you avoid touching engine oil, be it diesel or petroleum, with your bare hands. Make sure to always wear disposable gloves while draining used oil

Can Biodiesel Be Blended With Regular Diesel?

We can blend up to 20% of biodiesel with the regular ones for car engines. Many blends are available that go by the name- B20, B5, and B2.

  • B20 is 20% biodiesel with 80% petroleum diesel
  • B5 is 5% biodiesel with 98% petroleum diesel
  • B2 is 2% biodiesel and 98% petroleum diesel

Changing the ratio and blending a large amount of biofuels with regular ones can affect engine life. Hence, we must check the approval of blending usage in the manufacturer manual of the engine

Final Words

Although car oil emits harmful chemicals lower than gaseous alternatives, it doesn’t help reduce environmental pollution. Traditional oils contain combustible components like hydrocarbon and harmful additives like lead. So, when all of them along with secondary toxic chemicals are released through black smoke via car exhaust, it gets mixed with air and causes damage to humans and other living beings. 

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Mick Howey

Mick Howey is the man behind He is a mechanical genius and an expert automotive enthusiast who loves sharing experiences. He has been working in the auto industry for more than 20 years and he enjoys helping people understand how their vehicles work and how to maintain them.

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